Friday 22 July 2016

Five Telltale Signs You Are A Traveler and Not A Tourist

Many people are often confused with the words-- tourist and traveler. After all, both of these words refer to people who go to different places all over the world, right? While there is some truth to this simple statement and meaning, the two words actually refer to the two types of people who travel the world.

The main difference between a traveler and a tourist is that a tourist visits different places all over the world just so they can say that they have been there. On the other hand, the traveler goes to places all over the world to take part in different cultures, to explore the world and to immerse in different cultures and make new friends.

Do you wish to know if you are a traveler or a tourist? If yes, here are some telltale signs that you are a traveler that you must know about:

ñ  You explore the city and not just visit its popular tourist attractions.
A true blue traveler knows that there is more to a city than just its popular attractions. This is why he find ways to fully explore and enjoy the city he is visiting. He knows that traveling is more than just seeing places-- it is about experiencing things. That is why he creates an opportunity to make friends, he takes the chance to immense in the city's culture and he strives to experience all the things local do in their city. He is in that city to live the  way locals do.
ñ  You do take pictures but you know in your heart that the true memory of traveling cannot be stored in your memory card.
Travellers know the importance of taking pictures and how vital it is to keep memories and souvenirs of the places that they have been to. However, they also know that the best keepsakes of traveling are not the souvenirs nor the pictures-- it is about the experience. That is why they take time to put their cameras down and truly enjoy what traveling is for-- creating memories.
ñ  You take the road less traveled.
You visit the main attractions of the city but more than that, you also take a look at some of the underrated spots in the city. You love to spend time in less crowded places and you enjoy discovering hidden gems.
ñ  You know that the value of your experience is not the same with the value of your trip.
You know that traveling is more than just sleeping in a 5 star hotel or shopping in France and the likes. They know that traveling is not about spending money – it is about experiences.
ñ  You befriend the locals.
You take time to talk to the locals and you are truly interested in knowing about their tradition and culture.
So, are you a traveler or a tourist?

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