Tuesday 19 April 2016

Ways to secure your Home While You’re Away on a Vacation

The incidents of burglary increase particularly during vacation season. Modern thieves became highly skilled in spotting the houses that are not secured. This is one of the main reasons why people prefer to stay home rather than enjoy a whole day along the Hawaiian shores. Don’t hinder yourself from experiencing a genuine ski holiday at the Alps. Here are the ways to secure your homes for you to stop worrying and start planning your next seascape.
Ask a help from a trusted person such as a neighbor or friend to keep an eye on your house while you’re away. Give him a key so he can check the place for any inconsistency, bring your mail inside, and even feed your cat. Of course don’t forget to bribe him with freshly baked cupcakes before you go and a handmade Italian scarf when you got back.
People get too public with their information nowadays. Everything is exposed in their social media accounts. A family portrait in Universal Studios Singapore is a hint to robbers that your house is empty. Be cautious on your answering machines, a voice prompt saying “sorry we cannot answer your call we’re having a blast at the Caribbean” is not really advisable. Choose a more discreet line that says you’re just too busy to answer their call.
If you’re living in a subdivision, let the guards know that you’ll be out of town for a while and request politely if they could make a regular rounds at the parameter of your house. Tipping of the police in your area is also a good idea especially if your community has a high incidents of robbery.
How about your curtains? Are you going to leave it open or close? Neither. You have to leave it as it is. Potential thieves lurking around can easily notice unusual opened or closed curtains particularly on the room where you most likely keep your valuable items such as jewelries or your stash of cash. Leaving your lights on throughout your entire vacation to make it seem like there’s someone in your house is not advisable. Your electric bill will hike up and your house can also be prone to fire due to overheating appliances. Instead, you can have automatic timers installed in your house. Investing on such gadget is worthy when you’re always on the road.
Aside from keeping your house safe from robbery, you should also protect your house from fire caused by unplugged devices or electronic appliances that overheated. The last thing you want is to get back from your vacation with your house transformed into ashes. Make sure that you unplugged everything and turn off your refrigerator if there’s no perishable products inside.
The best option of all is hiring a house sitter while you’re gone which can be a relative. Let him or her stay in the house so you can get a real time report about the situation.

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