Monday 15 August 2016

The Secrets To Taking Great Landscape Photos

Taking shots of landscapes is one of the toughest trick in the photography book. While all landscapes look majestic and heavenly in person, capturing the beauty and the vividness of its colors in photos is a very hard thing to do.
What you have to understand is the fact that there are many commandments that govern landscape photography. If you would want to capture the beauty of the place you will be going to, here are some photography tricks that you must know about:

·         Shot during the golden hour.
What you need to know is that there are times of the day that are the best or worst time to capture landscapes. For your information, golden hour makes everything beautiful. Keep in mind that the natural light will play an important role in the looks of your pictures. The golden hour is within an hour just after the sun has risen or one hour before the sun sets. Make sure to arrive at your destination in advance so you will have plenty of time to find the perfect angle and position. Additionally, it will also allow you to set up your tripod and many other camera accessories that you have.

·         Use wide-angle lenses.
Most landscapes are very expansive and vast. If you want to capture the entirety of these destinations, then a regular lens will not be enough. If you want to get as much image as possible into your lens, then you should make use of wide-angle lenses in taking landscape shots.

·         Take advantage of the foreground.
If you wish to give your photos great depth, the best thing that you can do is to make your foreground as the focal point of all your photos. The shots you can make will tell more story than the usual point-and-shoot photos that you usually see.

·         Bring a tripod with you.
When it comes to shooting landscapes, the best accessory that you can ever have is the tripod. However, a tripod can be quite heavy when you are traveling. That is why it is recommended that you invest in a lightweight tripod. Keep in mind that there are some shots that are best taken without the use of a tripod. Despite this, having a tripod on hand is still recommended.

After taking the best landscape photos, you will surely be happy to head home with plenty of amazing travel souvenirs with you. Once you go home, one of your post travel must do’s must be to store or transfer all your photos in the cloud or in your computer storage. Make sure to keep it well. 

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