Thursday 4 August 2016

The Do's of A Perfect Hotel Stay

When you are on vacation, you may feel like you are on cloud 9. The feeling of being in a foreign land can surely make you feel like you are at the top of the world. However, this feeling will surely dissipate once you encounter some problems with your hotel.

Keep in mind that your hotel would be your home away from your home so it is best that you do everything to make sure that your stay in your hotel would be nothing short of perfect. With that in mind, here are some of the do's that you must keep in mind when staying in a hotel.

ñ  Do keep the hotel room secured at all times.
When you are inside your hotel room, you tend to get all your walls down. You tend to relax and as a result, you forget about enforcing security in your hotel room. Upon entering the room, it is best that you lock it right away. In addition to that, you may also want to use the deadbolt in your door at night so you are assured of your security. If you are not expecting anyone and you have heard a knock at your door, never ever open the door. Try calling the receptionist to know if someone asked for your name and your hotel number. Above all, place all your valuables on the hotel room safe. After all, it is placed there for a reason.
ñ  Do collect the hotel room souvenirs.
Many people think that people who collect such souvenirs are cheapskates. That is not true. In fact, majority of the hotel guests actually take these items home. After all, the containers will come handy on the next trip. Those little shampoo containers will surely pass the airport security system. However, you must avoid taking home any towels or robes with you. In addition to that, you must make sure that you have returned all your keys or keycards before you check out.
ñ  Do take a look at the entire hotel room upon arrival.
Upon arrival, fight the urge to lay down at your bed and sleep. Take a look at the entire hotel room before you lay down. In this way, you will be able to check if there is something missing in your welcome pack or you will be able to notify the receptionist if you will be needing something else.
ñ  Do hang that No Disturb sign.
Do you wish to have a whole day of rest and relaxation? If yes, then make everybody know that by hanging the no disturb sign at your knob. By doing so, you will be able to sleep the whole day without being disturbed by housekeeping. You must also notify the receptionist that you will not be taking any calls. In the event that you want your room cleaned, then just simply call the housekeeping office.

If you wish to maximize your hotel stay, we recommend that you follow the do's mentioned above. 

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