Wednesday 11 October 2017

10 Reasons why we travel

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1.       To get new perspective
One of the best reason why we travel is to get new perspective, because we are all interested to know what feels like to be in that place or how does it feel for us to try those things, for us to know what it taste, or what it feels to be like them. Because as a traveler you don’t only want to enjoy rather we want to learn and gain experiences

2.       To see the world through new eyes
We are traveling because we want to see and experience what we are missing we want to living witness of those things. It is the time for us to live the solitude of work, the bunch of paper works, it is the time for us to see and feel the hard works that we invest in working we want to see the new eyes and new journey of life.

3.       To gain appreciation of what you have.
There’s no place like home, but we want to experience to feel in someone’s home. Sometimes leaving your home for a while will open new homes but we must always remember that at the end of the day you’ll be returning to your home sweet home.

4.       To get some distance from work
Because we’ve been working for so long, we are investing too much effort and hard work in working but it is not worth it just to save money for nothing it is much worth if you use it to refresh yourself to enjoy things and to move away from the multitudes of responsibilities and works sometimes we have to be happy and enjoying what we are working for.

5.       To settle grievances through shared experiences.
Yes we are travelling because we want to learn and discover things we also want to know and learn from the perspective of different people. Sometimes we need other people for us to understand something’s we need to share with people, not just we can get from them but also they could learn from us and we can be part of one another.

6.       To get you out of your comfort zone
Someone needs to travel for him/her to face his/her fear because in order for someone to be strong enough is for him to face his/her by facing it and trying new. Let you discover things and enjoy the real beauty of it.

7.       To admire mother nature
World has many things to offer for us the world is full of surprises and beauty so allow yourself to travel because you might be missing the chance and opportunity of seeing and experiencing the beauty of the world be part and be the one to witness it and help others for them to see and feel the beauty of the nature.

8.       To learn about other cultures.
Being known for a single culture is a sad thing. Different nationality has its own interesting and exciting culture. Remember when you are traveling you are enjoying but at the same you are learning something, you are putting your shoes on other peoples life.

9.       To strengthen relationships.
It is a sideline or a special day for your family, friends or love ones it is also your way for you to strengthen and enjoy every single moment with love one. Family vacations should always be significant and beautiful because it is a memory to treasure.

10.   To unplug
We are living our life scrolling, watching videos traveling is the time for us to unplug those things for a while and be able to experience things or allow ourselves to plug in the amazing beauty of life.

We travel because we want to experience things. We don’t have exact reasons why we travel we all just want to enjoy and learn things. So we don’t need to have reasons to enjoy  let us allow ourselves to discover those reasons why we are here or why we travel.

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Saturday 7 October 2017

5 summer vacations you haven’t thought of

Image result for 5 summer vacations you haven’t thought of 

Summer is everywhere. There are a lot of beaches around the world, surfing zones, snorkeling areas, but summer isn’t all about that. There are lots of place that you can enjoy during summer even without going to the resorts or beach. Here are five destinations that is worth considering this year.

1.       A CANADIAN ROAD TRIP. Block out two weeks and drive from Montreal to Banff. It is approximately 40 hours on the road, but break into chunks over the course of 14 days and it’s worth it. There are a lot of sights that you can enjoy in Canada like the Ottawa, Canada’s capital city, or the Prince Albert National Park in Saskatchewan. Many exciting sceneries are waiting for you in Canada. You can book at night at different hotels or in the Hotel Le Crystal, one of the most fanciest and wonderful hotel in the country. You can book your hotel while on the road using Hotel Tonight or AIrbnb to book accommodations in last minutes.

2.       A WESTERN DUDE RANCH. Vacation is for fresh air and wide-open spaces, which are why you can’t go wrong with a getaway to Colorado, specifically Grand County (located about an hour west of Denver). The Latigo Ranch will whisk you far away from pesky annoyances like email—although Wi-Fi hot spots are available if you need it—and fix your attention instead on the land around you. Forty thousand acres of prime national forest, to be exact.

3.       A CHARMING SOUTHERN CITY. Charleston is one of the perfect place to spend your next summer. It is very much preferred that you go here during the month of June-July, before the humidity hits in August.  Charleston is a perfect blend of city culture and country charm. You can spend your days touring nearby plantations, and your nights at reputable high-end restaurants like HUSK or FIG. You can also discover the Kiawah Island, it is less than 45 minutes’ drive way. At night you can stay at the chic destination the Planters Inn, it is located at the heart of downtown.

4.       A LAKE SIDE ADVENTURE. The ocean isn’t the only option if you’re looking for a family getaway where your kids can splash in the waves. Michigan’s west coast offers gorgeous water views without having to worry about the tides. (FYI, we love South Haven, often referred to as the “Catskills of the Midwest.”) Or, if the east side of the state is more your style, take a ferry to Mackinac Island in the middle of Lake Huron. (The Grand Hotel is a majestic historic resort you won’t want to miss.)

5.       A COASTAL ESCAPE. You can book a five day weekend in and around Big Sur. The cliff views of the Pacific Ocean it is visible from the highway alone are worth the trip, but the chance to experience and see the breathtaking vistas is a must. We recommend for you to stay at the Monterey Plaza Hotel and Spa, they offer delicious cocktails. The place gives you the best view of ocean side sunset.

These places make us believe that summer isn’t all about the beaches. It’s all about how you can find a perfect place to make it a perfect summer destination. These places are very much recommended, because it offers a new variant of summer get away.

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Friday 6 October 2017

4 Ways to Gain Subscribers without Using Popups

Image result for 4 Ways to Gain Subscribers without Using Popups 

If you’re going to generate a list of engaged subscribers, there are a few ways that you can go about it.
You can:

Create Incredibly Good, Useful, 10x Content. If you want to gain more subscribers, then you should create amazing contents consistently. Creating content that is full of information, then you are starting a good job, because you are maximizing your potential to engage with your subscribers. Always exert the best efforts, for you to create a content that is very attractive, because if you don’t you are just wasting your time. According to the marketing director of Kissmetrics Sean Work, “Writing great content is a choice. You can choose to put in the time and work required to create great content and build a prosperous brand. Or you can choose to take the easy path and write poor content – a path that will ultimately get you nowhere. It will only result in a waste of time, energy, and resources.”

Use Content Upgrades. Upgrading your contents is bonus; you should upgrade your content and provides your subscribers additional information that is relevant to their needs. A great example of a “content upgrade” can be found in a post by BuzzBlogger founder Kim Roach, 10 Best Fiverr Gigs of 2014. After going through the article, readers were then prompted to download a guide that built on the 10 Fiverr gigs that were already outlined. The power of upgrading your content is very tangible. It allows you sites to gain more conversions.

Optimize Call-to-Actions. Another way of to get more subscribers is to put CTAs on your sites. But, one of the problems is hard time of knowing where to put those CTAs. Where is the best place to wear your CTAs? It is best to be place on the end of your content. If you can attract more subscribers, they become more interested on what you will say on the coming paragraphs. By creating CTAs that align with the content that they’ve just read, you can naturally increase conversion rates.
In the recent study made by Google, shows that including call-to-actions within your content can also help with conversions. Creating CTAs and putting it in a good place of your sites, then you are making it right.

Implement Hello Bar. Putting a hello bar to your sites makes more conversion. For example, When an interested reader clicks ‘yes’, they’re guided to a landing page that captures their name and email address in exchange for a webinar seat. Hello bars, is one of the effective way to gain more conversions. Make sure that you create an effective Hello Bar; it makes the subscribers more attractive to it.

If you want to gain more subscribers and gain more readers, you should start in focusing with your audiences than those pop ups.
With the strategies listed above, you can easily win over subscribers that trust and love what you have to offer.

See and check how World Ventures can change your life!

Friday 22 September 2017



The photographs of the place we visit are the treasure memory that we can keep, for us to have the opportunity to look back in time to see all the good things that happened to us. One of the most misunderstood parts of digital photography is what happens after you take the shot: the post-processing. This is where you edit the images you have taken, to create the final product. Here are the steps that you should do and follow when editing your photographs to make it perfect, beautiful image and its quality can last longer.

·         Cropping. This is the basic thing to do in your photographs. In cropping a picture, there are a lot of reasons that you should consider. For example, you want to make a rectangular image to a square, and then cropping is the best way to do. When you are cropping make sure to crop the things that are irrelevant to the image. In that way you can focus on what you really want to be seen on the image. Cropping your image will also make your image clearer, because in cropping you can remove the dark spots on the image. It will also focus more on your subject. You are going why I shouldn’t do this when taking photos, it is because when zooming an image while taking a picture, makes the image blurred and don’t have a good quality unless you have a good camera.

·         Leveling. When we are taking a photo, this is the most forgotten part to maintain the photo in a horizontal line. Sometimes it is very hard to maintain its level, because when you are taking a photo you are not really focusing on the rules, rather you are focusing more in the subject that you are taking. Thank you to editing again, because it allows us to edit it and align it in the horizontal axis. Maintaining it alignment on the horizontal axis, when your image is aligned perfectly it leaves also a good representation of your image. Don’t worry, because when we level our image it isn’t that hard, depending on the editing software you will use. There are a lot of software you can use to make it easier.

·         Vignetting.  Vignetting is about making parts of the image darker or lighter than other parts, in order to make it clearer what the subject of the shot is. Some tools restrict your vignette to the corners, but in applications like Snap seed and Light room you can selectively darken and lighten areas of the image — you don’t need to restrict yourself to the corners. Vignetting is particularly good for portraits, and anywhere where you really want to make the subject of the image more clearly obvious to the viewer. It is the best thing about vignetting your image, because it adds more beauty and finest to the pictures. It’s okay to add darkness and lightness to the picture, whether they are present or not. This is the most used techniques in all editing skills.
·         Shadows and highlights. Sometimes when we take a photograph, parts of the shot might end up being darker or brighter than we want. We refer to the dark areas of the shot as shadows, and the bright areas of the shot as highlights. We can fix this by changing the brightness of the shadow and highlight areas specifically, using either the “Shadow” or “Highlight” tool. This is a tool that works particularly well on RAW files as they retain more information on the shadow and highlight areas of an image compared to a compressed JPEG, which discards most of this information in order to save file size. This is very exciting part of editing also, because you are brightening or lightening the image that are too dark and light. This step will also add up beauty to the image. Make sure that when you are adjusting brightness to your image, make sure that you don’t brighten up too much.

·         Adjust the Contrast. Adjusting the contrast and the color of your image, will add beauty to the image. The color contrast of the image is very important factor in your image. The colors of the image and making its color boundaries clearer, making the image more attractive. In most shots, you only want to tweak the contrast a little bit to get the desired effect, normally no more than +20 or so, but in this case the higher number gave the best result.

·         Colors. This is one of the most important things in your editing kit, because it gives more life and emotion in your images. Another good thing about editing the colors of your images is through adjusting the hue, saturation and warmness to the image. When you are adjusting the colors of the image make sure that you don’t make it too much dark, or light. The colors you are using should be complementing each color. Making it too dark and too colorful will remove the message you want to bring to the people who will see it. As with many edits, the key is to find a good balance — oversaturated images tend to look rather unnatural. DE saturated images can be very effective, and of course black-and-white is an excellent choice for all sorts of situations, in particular, portraits, architecture, and certain landscape scenes. But generally you would want to find a happy midpoint: not too oversaturated and not too under saturated.

Just remember all these steps in editing your image. Editing isn’t really must do, rather it is a thing that you should do if you want to make your image perfect and much beautiful to see by our eyes. These editing skills should be stick in your mind, whenever you decided to edit it.

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Thursday 21 September 2017



There are a lot of activities that are really good. It can be rated up to ten stars, I must say. There are a lot of travel destinations around the world that many people loves because of people's cheesiness while enjoying these places. As you go through different places you will learn a lot good things their lives and culture. Sometimes you just need to take attractions and experiences for what they are: a crowded, overrated, commercialized, mind-numbing, and/or enjoyable escape. Sometimes all you need to do is to enjoy the place and meet new great people. Here are the top things that tourist really enjoy.

·         Cruises. This activity is very exciting, because you can’t consider it as travel, it is a vacation. The every night party and drinking makes it very interesting. What you will enjoy about the cruise is you can experience more good things as you take stop in different countries. A couple of weeks are so much to enjoy, but two weeks isn’t enough if you fall in love to the boat.

·         Disney World. If you to experience and reminisce your childhood memories, then the Disney World is good for you. There is a lot of Disney World around the world that you will love. One in Shanghai, Paris, and in its home Hong Kong. You’ll love Disney World. You’ll love the rides, drinking your way around the world in Epcot Center, the haunted house, Space Mountain, and just feeling like a kid. Being a kid is all about playing pretend, and at Disney it’s not just welcome but encouraged. Disney is overpriced and artificial, but hey, what’s wrong with simply enjoying yourself in a make-believe fantasy land for a bit?

·         Pub Crawls. It is a great activity or relaxation to do, because Pub Crawls is about meeting a lot of good people; locals and even your fellow travelers. Another good thing about Pub Crawls is you can drink as many as you can. Some hostels are hosting a Pub Crawls for free. If you really want to gain new friends in that particular place and to gain companies as you continue traveling, then you must try to attend in a Pub Crawls. Maybe we won’t see each other ever again, but for that one night over a few drinks, we’re the best of friends.

·         The Louvre. The Louvre is one of the most famous, crowded, and popular museums in the entire world. Walking through here is like walking through a Tokyo subway station during rush hour (i.e., crowded!). To me, there are far better museums in Paris, but heck, it’s the Louvre. Why miss out? Even if the Mona Lisa is the most overrated painting on the entire planet, you have to go see.

·         Venice. It is another great place to visit and enjoy, especially when you're with your loved ones. But that being said, getting lost in that maze of tiny streets is incredibly fun, the city makes for an amazing backdrop to a romantic vacation, and even though a gondola ride is 100 euros, you only live once, right? Let’s live the Venetian fantasy. This very perfect destination for couples, especially to unwind and enjoy the place.

·         Diving in the Great Barrier Reef. This is activity is really for adventurous people like you. This is a very great place to dive, because of thousands species, wonderful corals and thousands of fish living there making it a great place to dive. There are a lot more great diving spots that you will surely enjoy, there are other places around that are full of great coral reefs.

·         The Full Moon Party. Every month about 15,000 people (double during the holiday season) descend on the island of Ko Phangan for this all-night beach party. It’s mass tourism in Southeast Asia at its worst — and it’s some of the best fun. This is a very perfect place to party all night and enjoy the perfect view of Full Moon.

·         Khao San Road. It is a road in Bangkok, Thailand. This Khao San Road is very famous because of different bars who hosted different parties and nightlife. This is a very great place, to meet great locals and fellow travelers and also a great place to see different characters. The downside of this place is the beers are too expensive, but the experience is worth it.

·         Times Square. This is a very great place that many tourists are really wondering about the place. It’s crowded, it’s filled with aggravating tourists who are too busy gawking and taking pictures instead of walking, and it’s completely commercialized, but it’s home to Broadway, you can watch many interesting street performers, the M&M store is a piece of heaven on earth, and sitting on top of the TKTS stairs provides a nice place to watch it all.

These are some of the world's cheesiest and most exciting place and activities to enjoy in the world. These places and activities is surely worth a try.

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Saturday 19 August 2017

Travel Safety Tips

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Whenever we travel in different places, we need to be aware in our surroundings and we should be knowledgeable about the safety precautions. If you are aware to the travel safety tips you can enjoy the best of the place.

Allow to tell you these travel safety tips for a memorable and safe travel:

Choose the best transportation. When traveling or taking a trip in the city, you must choose the safest transportation. Choose vehicles offering seatbelts, vehicles that are registered in any transportation department. 

Check in with the State Department. The state department provides updated information of safety travel guides in different places. If you are traveling, give time to visit the State Department site and go to the Smart Traveller Enrollment. Then, enroll your travel for them to have contact with you whenever there is an emergency.

Review the escape route in your hotel. Before you enjoy the amenities in your hotel, you should take a look to the hotel’s emergency plan. You can find it at the back of the door in your room. In case of emergency you already know where the fire exits are.

Leave an itinerary and emergency contact. It is very important when traveling alone to leave a contact or a list of place where you intended to visit. For them to have an access or idea if suddenly they aren’t able to contact you.

Scan a copy of your passport. Creating a copy of your passport is very advisable, because you can use it a proof of your identity. It is also helpful if you lose your passport unwantedly.

Confirm visitors with the hotel desk. As you check-in in your hotel, you must inform the hotel desk that they should let you know first or ask a confirmation to you if you are waiting for a visitor. We don’t even know what criminals can do. But you can always protect yourself by being aware in your surroundings.

Don't flash your cash or valuables. When traveling or taking a trip around the city you must ensure the safety of your money and valuables. Keep some of your money in a safe place; in that way if a theft attacks you. You will not be left out of money. If you are in public places don’t show your whole wallet make sure it’s safety. And be aware with your surroundings.

Steer clear of animals. In many streets there are a lot of stray cats and dogs. They are very adorable so don’t get too close to them. Be careful and watch out.

Keep an emergency kit. Traveling anywhere is exciting, but always keep an emergency kit for your own safety or if any emergency will happen. In that way you are ready to uncertain things that may happen.

Save emergency numbers. Take note that 911 doesn’t exist anywhere. At least know any emergency local hotlines in the place you go. It’s for your own safety and you can use it when emergency occurs.

These are some of the basic safety travel tips that you need to know to have a safe, memorable and enjoyable travel.

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Tuesday 15 August 2017

The Best Food Cities in the World

Image result for The Best Food Cities in the World

Eating is one of the reasons why we travel. We want to taste the different culinary fusions of every place. Our travel wouldn’t be complete, if we didn’t try the best food in the particular place we visit. You can always find budget friendly restaurants that offer best food in low price. If you have a lot of budgets you can eat in five star restaurants and Michelin |Restaurants.
Here are the world’s premier food cities:

1.       New York.  It is indeed the busiest city the world. You can find and eat in many budget friendly and five star restaurants. It has over 10,000 restaurants where you can find every kind of cuisine imaginable. It is the world’s food hub, where you can have a food trip around the world without leaving the city. Here are some of the best food store3s in the world I must say Dean & DeLuca, Balducci’s and Zabar’s.

2.       Tokyo. It is one of the best cities, that you can find many Michelin stars restaurant. The Tsukiji Fish Market alone makes Tokyo, a foodie destination. 5 million pounds of fish is sold every day, mostly to be served as sushi. There are a lot of casual dining restaurants here.

3.       Lyon. Chef Paul Bocue was the pioneer of turning food into art form. This is the place that caters all budgets, although its cuisine stands out among others. The Lyon focus on the local traditions, the bouchons are among the best spots to enjoy the best cuisine and washed down by best French wines.

4.       Barcelona. Barcelona is much known because of its innovative contemporary Catalan cuisine. It is food hub that science, art and food are infusing together. One of the famous chefs here is Ferran Adria, he is an artist and scientist. On top of all the restaurants in Barcelona is the Boqueria, they offer the best food and they make an impressive Mercat de Santa Caterina.

5.       San Sebastian. There is an extraordinary culinary movement in San Sebastian that goes beyond its impressive trio of 3-Michelin-star restaurants. It is a place where food can turn into event. One of the best experience and a must try place is the La Brecha market that serves Basque-style tapas compliment with local wines.

6.       Paris. Parissian Patisserie is one of the extraordinary foods in the world. After you enjoy the different cuisines of greatest chef in Paris. It’s time for the best of the Paris, its mouth-watering pastries. Paris is also considered as one of those cities that embraces the global cuisine.

7.       London,  There are lot of good restaurants here owned and managed by famous chefs like Jamie Oliver and Master Chef US judge Gordon Ramsay. Its food markets like Borough remain memorable experiences, and even smaller spots like Neal’s Yard remain lively and irresistible. London is one of the dining’s capital in the world that serves multi-ethnic culinary cuisines.

8.       Copenhagen. The Danish Capital became a food capital becau8se of one restaurant, the Noma. Noma exists because Copenhagen is a city that has refined its taste buds and offers an impressive range of restaurants catering to every taste. It is also the center of Nordic foods and cafĂ© culture.

9.       Bangkok, The famous about Bangkokl is its street foods, because of the flavors and aromas. Even the picky foreigner ends up in surrendering the tempting street foods of Bangkok. The Thai food as its authenticity and as its best it all street foods of Bangkok. Spicy, sweet, salty or sour you can taste it all in one single meal and addition of the different flavors of the world. It becomes the best dining destinations in the world.

10.   Sao Paulo.  It is the world’s Largest Latin Metropolis. It’s been a center of outstanding cuisine, now gaining its reputation and growing internationally. It creates a high quality of cuisines that infuse the flavors of Italian, Japanese Lebanese and many more.

There you go every single place in the world has something to offer, that is world class and very mouth-watering. If you have the chance to visit these places then you must try all the food from different places. Remember that one of the reasons why we travel is taste the best of the world.

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